Competitors should prepare a zip file containing the information outlined below. In addition to this, within the zip file, please include a file identifying the name and Institution from which the entry is from.
Functionality enabling upload has now been made available on the login page. Competitors should login and upload their entries to the relevant competition track. If a file is reloaded, the most recent version will replace the older file.
The zip file should contain the information detailed under the 'upload solutions' section of the relevant track you are entering and must be submitted by the deadline.
The description of the method used should be in the following style;
This should take the form of a short paper (max 1 page) similar in style to the Abstract paper required for submission to PATAT08. This is a requirement and must be included as part of the competitors submission.
Competitors should provide a clear description of the algorithm along with references if required.
The description for the competition should be submitted as a PDF file and competitors are requested to use the Springer llncs style Either the LaTeX version or Microsoft Word version is acceptable.
Participants are encouraged to write up their approaches to one or all of the timetabling problems and submit to PATAT08 in Montreal.
Ranking of submitted solutions will be made available via this web site and presented at PATAT08.
Last Updated: Wednesday, October 1, 2008 10:25 AM