Prof. Weiru Liu's Professional Activities (conference organization, program committee members etc)
Member of EPSRC College 2006-
Member of the PostGraduate Research (PGR) Joint Consultative Committee, School of
Electronics, Eletrical Engineering and Computer Science, QUB (2008--)
Deputy Head of the Faculty of Informatics Postgraduate Research
School at University of Ulster (2001-2003)
Committee member of the University of Ulster Research Degrees Committee (2001-2003)
Journal Special Issues:
Co-editor (with Salem Benferhat, Laurence Cholvy, Anthony Hunter)
of Special Issue on Uncertainty, Incompleteness, Imprecision and
Conflict in Multiple Data Sources,
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 2004
Co-editor (Dave Bustard, Roy Sterritt) of
Special Issue on Management of Uncertainty in Computing Applications,
Journal of Soft Computing, 2003
Chair of the Eleventh European Conference on
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to
Reasoning with Uncertainty
(ECSQARU'11). 29 June to 1st July 2011, Belfast,
Northern Ireland, UK.
PC member of AAAI'11(tutorial),
PC member of DALI'10
PC member of LORI'11
PC member of SUM'11
PC member of UAI'11
PC member of UR'11
Programme committee member of IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence
April, 11-15, 2011, Paris, France.
Programme committee member of the 24th AAAI Conference on
Artificial Intelligence
11-15 July, 2010, Atlanta, USA.
Programme committee member of the 26th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
(UAI'10). 8-11 July, 2010,California.
Programme committee member of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI'10). 16-20 August, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
Programme committee member of the fifth European Starting AI Researcher Symposium
(STAIRS'10) (co-organised with ECAI 2010).
16-20 August, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
Programme committee member of the International Conference on Knowledge
Engineering and Ontology Development KEOD 2010
October 25-28, 2010, Valencia, Spain.
Programme committee member of the
Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions
(Belief Function'10),
1-2 April, 2010, Brest, France.
Programme committee member of the
4th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management Conference
(SUM'10), 27-29 September, 2010.
Toulouse, France.
Programme committee member of
FLAIRS 2010, Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning
(UR'10), 19-21 May, 2010,
Florida, USA.
Programme committee member of the third
International Conference on Knowledge Science,
Engineering and Management
September 1-3, 2010, Belfast, UK.
Programme committee member of the UK Workshop on Computational
Intelligence (UKCI'2010)
Programme committee member of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
11-17 July, 2009, Pasadena, California.
Programme committee member of the Tenth European Conference on
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to
Reasoning under Uncertainty
1-3 July, 2009, Italy.
Programme committee member of
FLAIRS 2009, Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning
(UR'09), 19-21 May, 2009,
Florida, USA.
Programme committee member of the 3rd International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management
September 28-30, 2009, Napoli, Washington DC, USA.
Programme committee member of the third
International Conference on Knowledge Science,
Engineering and Management
November 26-29, 2009, Vienna, Austria.
Programme committee member of the International Conference on Knowledge
Engineering and Ontology Development KEOD 2009
October 6 - 8, 2009, Madeira, Portugal.
Programme committee member of
The 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09) and
the 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'09)
14-16 August, 2009, Tianjin, China.
Programme committee member of the UK Workshop on Computational
Intelligence (UKCI'2009)
Programme committee member of
2009 World Congress on Software Engineering
19-21 May, 2009, Xiamen, China.
Programme committee member of
2009 International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics
(IHMSC'09), 26-27 August, 2009, Hangzhou, China.
Programme committee member of
FLAIRS 2008, Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning
(UR'08), 15-17 May, 2008,
Florida, USA.
Programme committee member of the Fourth International Workshop on Soft Methods in
Probability and Statistics
8-10 Sept, 2008, Toulouse, France.
Programme committee member of the 2nd International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management
October, 2008, Napoli, Italy.
Programme committee member of the
19th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
Cork, August 2008.
Programme committee member of the
2008 International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design
(ISCID'08), 17-18 October, 2008, Wuhan, China.
Programme committee member of the UK Workshop on Computational
Intelligence (UKCI'2008)
Programme committee member of the Scalable Uncertainty Management Conference
10-12 October, 2007, Washington, USA.
Programme committee member of the Nineth European Conference on
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to
Reasoning under Uncertainty
October/November, 2007, Tunisia.
Programme committee member of 20th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
2-6 December, 2007, Queensland, Australia.
Programme committee member of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Science,
Engineering and Management(KSEM'07),
Australia, 28-30 November, 2007.
Programme committee member of the UK Workshop on Computational
Intelligence (UKCI'2007), London,
July 2007.
Programme committee member of the
18th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
(AICS'07), Dublin, 29th - 31st August 2007.
Reviewer of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI'07), 6-17 January, 2007.
Programme committee member of Theory of NMR and Uncertainty, at
the Eleventh International Workshop on Non-Monotonic
Reasoning (NMR'06), 30 May -1 June 2006.
Programme committee member of the
First International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management
(KSEM'06), 5-8 August 2006.
Scientific committee member of the Third International
Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics
(SMPS'06). 5-7 September, 2006.
Programme committee member for the poster track at the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI'06). 28 August -1st September, 2006.
Chair of PhD Forum of the 23rd British National Conference on Databases
(BNCOD'06 ). July 17-20, 2006
Programme committee member of the 23rd British National Conference on Databases
(BNCOD'06 ). July 17-20, 2006
Programme committee member of the IEEE SMCals Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems
24-26 July, 2006.
Chair of Organizing Committee of the 17th Irish conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
(AICS'06 ). 11-13 September, 2006
Programme committee member of the 17th Irish conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
(AICS'06 ). 11-13 September, 2006
Programme committee member of the Eighth European Conference on
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to
Reasoning under Uncertainty, Barcelona, Spain, July 6-9, 2005.
Programme committee member of the Uncertainty Frameworks Workshop,
a subworkshop
at the Tenth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic
Reasoning (NMR'2004)
Key-Node of EUropean Network of Excellent on Intelligent TEchnologies
for Smart Adaptive Systems
(EUNITE) (2001-2004)
Committee member of Technical Committee on Computational Intelligence in
Telecom and Multimedia of EUNITE, (2001-2004)
Co-Chair of Ecsqaru'03 Workshop on
Uncertainty, Incompleteness, Imprecision and
Conflict in Multiple Data Sources
Programme committee member of the UK Workshop on Computational
Intelligence (UKCI'2003)
Programme committee member of the Seventh European Conference on
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to
Reasoning under Uncertainty, July, Aalborg, Denmark
Programme committee member of
FLAIRS 2003, Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR), 11-15 May, 2003,
St. Augustine, Florida
Programme committee member of
FLAIRS 2002, Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning (UR), 16-18 May, 2002, Pensacola, Florida
Co-Organizer of
Soft-Ware: Computing in an Imperfect World, 8 - 10 April, 2002, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Chair of the
Second European EUNITE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in
Telecommunications and Multimedia,
8 April, 2002, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Programme committee member of
First European EUNITE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in
Telecommunications and Multimedia, 13-14 December, 2001, Tenerife, Spain
Chair of the
Workshop on Soft Computing, 21st September,
2000, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland